Museums & Attractions
Wakin' Bacon
606 Glenn St.
Wall, SD 57790
Open April-October
Wall Drug Store
510 Main Street
Wall, South Dakota 57790
Phone:(605) 279-2175
Wall Drug Store is globally known as the “World Famous Free Ice Water Store.” Wall Drug Store features a unique two block shopping emporium, a western art gallery, and a restaurant where you can buy five-cent coffee! The newly remodeled backyard features an anima-tronic tyrannosaurus rex.
Wall Golf Course
1802 Golf Course Road
Wall, South Dakota 57790
Phone:(605) 279-4653
The Wall Community Golf Course has been designed to challenge players of every level and ability. Rental carts, clubs, light snacks and liquor, beer and wine are available at the clubhouse.
Wheelin' to Wall
Wheelin’ to Wall through the Badlands of South Dakota is a cycling event that grew from a community collaboration project, “Marketing Hometown America”. The community collaboration brought forth many ideas from residents of Wall to connect with each other and the landscape where they live.
The walk-ability and bike-ability of Wall, my community, was a top theme among participants of the project. Wheelin’ to Wall is an event to raise funds to improve the infrastructure and safety for walking and biking in our community. It is an event for my community and an invitation to others to come and
enjoy what we have in and surrounding our town.
Charon Geigle of Wall, organizer of Wheelin’ to Wall has lived in Wall, SD for 30 years. She loves to be outdoors cycling, running, kayaking, trapshooting, and hiking.Wheelin’ to Wall is all about community.
Prairie Homestead
The Prairie Homestead is one of the very few sod dwellings intact today! It is located only two miles south of I-90, (Exit 131) at the east entrance to the Badlands.
Dahl's Chainsaw Art
518 Glenn St
Wall, SD 57790
Badlands Observatory
Badlands Observatory is an astronomical observatory that provides astro-tourism, stargazing, educational public outreach, and photography services.
Crazy Horse Memorial
The Story of Crazy Horse Memorial- Sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski and Lakota Chief Henry Standing Bear officially started Crazy Horse Memorial June 3, 1948. The Memorial’s mission is to honor the culture, tradition, and living heritage or North American Indians. The Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation is committed to this mission.
The Indian Museum of North America tells present and future generations the story of all Native North American tribes by displaying outstanding examples of Indian culture and heritage – both of yesterday and today.
Badlands National Park
National Grasslands VisitorĀ“s Center
This one of a kind Visitor Center is located on Wall’s Main Street, just two blocks south of Wall Drug. The exhibit room and theater presentation will tell you the story of the National Grasslands and the staff is here to help you learn about the opportunities, from hiking and biking to wildlife viewing. Following your visit, you can enjoy a National Grassland experience as close as 15 minutes from Wall.
Minuteman Missile National Historic Site
24545 Cottonwood Rd
Philip, South Dakota 57567
Phone:(605) 433-5552
This national park interprets the Minuteman II missile defense system and the Cold War. The park consists of three sites along Interstate 90. Exhibits at the Visitor Center (exit 131) provide the historical backdrop for nuclear issues which are still relevant today. Delta-09, the missile silo, is located 1/4 mile south of I-90 at exit 116. The Delta-01 Launch Control Center is located 1/4 mile north of I-90 at exit 127. At Delta-09, a self-guided tour by cell phone relates the hidden tale of the Cold War Front fought on the Great Plains where a Minuteman II missile remains in its silo for public. The Delta-01 ranger guided tour offers an opportunity to observe first-hand the Launch Control Facility from which the Emergency War Order would be executed in the event of Nuclear War. Advanced reservations are required for this tour, and can be made on-line or by phone at 605-717-7629.